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Richardson Dominates field in Manchester

Matthew Richardson didn't lose a round on his way to victory of the UK Open 2022.

Played at Middleton Arena in Manchester, the day was an endurance filled bag throwing day but was lots of fun too.

After a gruelling 7 games for each player, it was Graham Davies, Daniel Lilley and Josh Hiser going through with Matthew in the last four.

Despite Graham Davies beating him in the league rounds it was the Manchester lad Lilley who prevailed into the final with a 2-0 victory.

Josh Hiser who played well all day could have had 5,6 or 7 bags and still no one was getting past Richardson, the guy was on pure adrenaline and talent for sure. going through to the final to play Daniel Lilley.

The final lasted no longer 20 minutes with a dominant display from Richardson, Daniel managed to get a lot of 4 baggers throughout the day but equally the Bury Bagger got more.

The final results were 21-7 / 21-0 / 21-16

Congratulations to Matthew Richardson and thank you to all the players that travelled across the UK to join in on the competitive fun.

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