Below are the current official clubs of the United Kingdom Cornhole League.
If you don't see a club within your area, contact us and we can work together to get your own club started.
If you run a Cornhole Club that isn't on the list, please contact us to be added.
What you need to start a club but don't worry, we are here to help.
1. Equipment (Minimum of 2 boards and 2 sets of bags)
2. Club Name
3. Club Logo (We can design if needed)*
4. Club venue (Local leisure centre normally allow you to book a badminton court for around £10 an hour) Then promotion time......
5. Social media set up (Facebook etc)*
6. Poster/Flyers with club night information (We can design if needed)*
* We can provide some of the above services for a small fee. Just give us a call at 07900933329 and we will be more than happy to help give your club the support it needs to gain momentum!